Friday, December 24, 2010

Lighting Photo Story

Ian Ribbon Cambell is a 43-year-old radical faerie that lives in Woodbury, Tenn. Cambell is part of the Music City Sisters, as Sista Enya Face. My story is of a not so average man. Cambell lives 98% off the grid of the world. He uses solar panels and collects rainwater. Radical faeries in three words are, queer, hippy, pagans. While living off the grid he is a very active member of the Music City Sisters. The sisters are flamboyant nuns that raise awareness and volunteer for the GLBT community. My story was of Ian and his life as an not so average man. With different layers of his life. Focusing the story on his life as a Sista and a faerie.


Left: Ian Ribbon Cambell, 43 of Woodbury, Tenn., is a radical faerie. "Radical faerie's are queer, hippy, pagan's," says Cambell. Ribbon is his faerie name of 17 years. Ribbon has lived in Woodbury for 18 years off the grid.

Right: Sista Enya Face is a sister of the Music City sisters. The Sisters are an organization that raise awareness, do charity work, and volunteer for the GLBT community. "Nun's do charity, raise awareness, and volunteer. We are nuns, just not in the traditional fashion."


Sista Enya Face leads a candlelight vigil, October 28, 2010, throughout the streets of Nashville. The vigil was a remembrance of the recent GLBT suicides.


Ian Ribbon Cambell, 43 of Woodbury, Tenn., works as a online computer programer. Cambell's home is made of recycled material and off the grid. Cambell's home is powered by solar panels and collect rain water for drinking. "I like the contrast of me being off the grid but still connected."


Ian Ribbon Cambell shaves in preparation to transform into Sista Enya Face. Cambell has been a sister for seven years.


Ellen Degererate, 25 of Kansas City, Kan., helps Sista Enya Face with his skirt. Face learned of the Sisters through a event they were hosting and from that point on he knew being a sister was his calling.


Nova (left) and Ian Ribbon Cambell organize a carpool of radical faeries to Nashville International Airport. During gatherings, the sanctuary brings in faeries across the world. Cambell volunteers at the Sanctuary during gatherings.


(left) Sista So Am I passes an auction item to Sister Enya Face. The auction proceeds will go to Short Mountain Sanctuary. The sanctuary is a radical faerie community in Woodbury, Tenn. that host spiritual gathering.


Ian Ribbon Cambell enjoys company of several faeries after a day of being Sista Enya Face at Short Mountain Sanctuary. Spiritual gatherings at the sanctuary can range from 200 - 600 radical faeries.

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